My name is Alana Monet-Telfer. I was a child born with mild autism and receptive and expressive language disorder, therefore, many of my state school teachers, students, family members, and people didn’t believe I would be able to achieve anything. I wanted (and still want) to prove this wrong to them, as well as pay pal all the people who believed in me. My passion to become a success started around the age of thirteen after being home schooled; since the age of eight due to education stress and problems. At the age of thirteen I read rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki, hence, igniting my passion and motivation to achieve the ultimate success; which is financial freedom.
Since then I have now two businesses and still going with full force and passion towards my goal. At sixteen years of age I started to publish and sell eBooks’ on Amazon and Kobo. My second business is now a new five month property referral company called Blue Sky Property Referrals. My aim is to have my first 1 bedroom flat in my property portfolio, which brings in income.